
How To Do A Flying Lead Change

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A flying pb change is an impressive and graceful way for your horse to change the legs it is leading with during a canter. For many horses and riders, information technology can be a difficult transition to master, only with patience and preparation, you lot tin can perform a flying pb change effortlessly. Be sure to expect until your equus caballus is relaxed and trusts you earlier you try the transition. Remember to stay relaxed and work on timing your cues well to ensure success.

  1. i

    Develop a comfortable, collected canter. A flying lead modify happens at a canter, so be certain to practise cantering until you and your horse are very comfortable. Aim for a smooth and controlled canter that follows a steady, three-vanquish rhythm.[1]

    • Your equus caballus in the canter should be making large, round, expressive strides and have plenty of lift off the ground so it can successfully modify its legs in the air.
    • Equally y'all are cantering, use force per unit area from your exterior leg and outside rein to keep your horse going straight. Put tension on the inside rein to flex your equus caballus slightly in the management of the lead.[2]
  2. ii

    Practise counter cantering. To do this, amble with your horse'south right leg leading. Ride several straight strides on the long side of the arena and then turn in diagonally towards the center. When yous've come up to 50–80 feet (15–24 m) from the rail, bring your horse onto the center line, pressing with your left leg to keep information technology on a right lead. Turn slightly to the left, keeping your horse bending to the right past pressing your right leg against the girth and your left leg behind information technology.[3]

    • Your equus caballus should turn towards the left with its haunches towards the rail and go on cantering on the right lead.
    • If your horse breaks into a trot during the plow, outset over and give more than pressure with your legs on the next turn to keep it cantering.
    • If your horse changes to a left lead in the front end as y'all turn, enquire it to come downwards to a trot past pulling gently back on the reins and try once more.
    • Plow your head and look where you are turning to prepare your horse to make a gradual swing in that direction.
    • Exercise counter cantering both ways until your horse can practise it without tension.


  3. 3

    Progress to riding collecting half halts in the canter. In a canter, close your legs around your horse, button down in your seat and shut your exterior paw for just a moment. This will engage your horse's hindquarters and encourages a brusque suspension to "sit" back on its hocks.[4]

    • Attempt riding 3 collecting one-half halts in a row in the canter. So, go forward for several strides and inquire for 3 collected half halts again.
  4. 4

    Master simple lead changes. To practise this, showtime by cantering around the arena with your horse leading with its left leg and your right leg facing the outside of the loonshit. Pull back on the reins to inquire your horse to transition down into a trot. Afterwards i-3 strides, printing your left leg into your horse at the girth while keeping your correct leg against its body simply behind the girth to keep it going directly alee to encourage information technology to switch to leading with its right leg. Utilise the inside rein to flex information technology to the left, in the direction of the new atomic number 82. When it switches, bring it back to a canter and repeat the process on the other side.[5]

    • To help yous follow the gait change with your hips without losing your rest, continue your core engaged and shut your fingers tightly on the outside rein when you lot ask your equus caballus to come down to a trot.
    • You can too progress to making a lead change from amble to a walk and so back to canter. It helps to slow down the canter with a few collecting half halts before y'all pull back on the reins to inquire your horse to transition to a walk.[6]


  1. 1

    Brainstorm by riding a 10 m (33 ft) effigy-eight. Bring your horse to a collected canter and ride in a figure-8 shape in the loonshit. Do some simple lead changes in the centre of the figure viii to warm upwardly before yous endeavour the flight lead change.[7]

  2. 2

    Give the cue to change when your horse's leading leg is coming forward. Even though the lead change happens when all 4 of your equus caballus's legs are suspending in the air, give the cue early on, just every bit y'all see the leading leg coming forward. This will give your horse time to process and comport out your request.[8]

    • Exercise the timing of the aids by watching when your horse's inside forepart leg comes forward in a walk. Each fourth dimension you lot run across it, say "at present," out loud to yourself. Effort the same technique in the canter.
  3. 3

    Use force per unit area with your correct leg and release the tension on the left rein. Bring your horse to a amble on the left lead. Push your right seat bone forrad towards your equus caballus's right ear.[9]

    • You lot should feel your horse moving a bit to the left.
  4. 4

    Release the pressure on the correct and apply pressure behind the girl with the left leg. Strike firmly and swiftly just behind the girth on the left side. Loosen up on the right rein to requite more infinite for the new inside front leg to come forwards.[10]

    • Don't concur back with the left leg. This part of the cue should be very quick to get your horse to alter.


  1. 1

    Help your horse relax before trying lead changes. If your horse feels a little tense, pull dorsum on the reins a fleck to bring information technology down to a trot. Stroke information technology occasionally on the neck. Speak in a low, calm vocalism and proceed riding around the arena in this way until information technology is more relaxed.

    • Even if the trot is a bit more than lively than you desire, don't pull back on the reins. It's of import that your horse is relaxed and calm when y'all are practicing lead changes.
    • Information technology doesn't really matter what y'all say to your equus caballus as long every bit it hears your at-home, comforting tone. You lot could say something that would relax both of you, like "You're going a bit faster than I'd like, just we're simply going to just go along making large circles and non worry about it. I'll take slow, rhythmic breaths and continue my arms and easily relaxed. I'g just waiting for y'all to relax, too."[eleven]
  2. 2

    Canter over a pocket-sized obstruction before the change to amend the timing. Put a log or other small obstacle in the arena. Canter over the log and apply the leg cues for the lead change as your horse hops over it. This can help incite your horse to change the lead and will help you get the timing right.[12]

    • You can also jump over a depression bush if you are riding exterior of the arena.
  3. iii

    Continue straight afterward a atomic number 82 change to prevent your horse from anticipating. If your horse is often anticipating the flying lead alter, try to keep it going straight for a few strides after you make the change. If it is allowed to lean, it may starting time to anticipate and change leads before you inquire it to.[xiii]

  4. 4

    Reprogram a equus caballus that doesn't like lead changes by riding in a serpentine. Go into a right lead canter downwards the long side of the arena. Keep gentle contact with both legs, but guide it away from the track with some outside leg pressure and a light pull with the within rein. Ride a few strides, and so apply subtle left-leg and right-rein pressure to bring it back towards the rail. When it's comfy with this movement, then go on to enquire for the flying lead alter.[14]

    • Practice the serpentine on both sides, at least 4 times on each side.
    • This exercise works actually well if your horse gets nervous or fussy when you lot come up off the rail towards the middle of your figure-eight considering it thinks you are going to inquire for a lead change.


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  • Bear in heed that your equus caballus may not learn this skill in one ride. Keep practicing. If it is your first fourth dimension doing a flying change, don't worry if you make a mistake. Keep trying.

  • No thing how experienced yous are, it can be extremely helpful to have a person on the ground watching you working your lead changes. If you don't accept a trainer, ask a knowledgeable friend to watch you ride and tell you what you are doing with your body and what your horse is doing.[15]

  • Make smooth flying lead changes past giving but enough input to your horse to brand the change without throwing off its rest, rhythm, or relaxation. Don't effort as well hard to get the modify by swinging your trunk in the saddle, pulling on the reins, or throwing your horse off balance.[16]


  • Practise not attempt the flight lead change until y'all and your equus caballus are comfortable cantering together and doing regular pb changes.[17]


Things You'll Need

  • Determent
  • Saddle
  • Saddle pad
  • Girth
  • Horse boots (optional)
  • Helmet

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Article Summary X

To do a flying lead change, bring your horse to a nerveless amble and ride in a figure-8 shape in the arena. Next, give the cue to change when your equus caballus's leading leg is coming forward. Then, utilize pressure with your right leg and release the tension on the left rein. Finally, release the pressure on the correct and employ force per unit area swiftly with your left leg to complete the change. For tips on mastering the maneuver, read on!

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